Day 13 || Negative Self-talk

Make Your Damn Bed
2 min readMar 2, 2021

Negative self talk quickly trains your brain to believe that the criticisms are true. This is why it is so important to train your brain that good things are true instead.

If you find yourself cursing yourself out every time you drop something or calling yourself stupid every time you do something clumsy

- I highly recommend this tactic:

Every time you find yourself thinking or saying something negative about yourself or someone else you must say 2 unique positive things to counteract that thought . Say them out loud and regularly. Absorb them. Try to train your brain to believe they are true. Do this by simply noticing when you do it. Identify the bad behavior. Replace that behavior with a. More positive behavior and reward yourself gently every time you are able to do so. Even if that gentle reward comes in the form of a simple inner “hell yeah”.

If you remember your brain is a giant computer — sometimes it does need reprograming and updates. There is nothing wrong with that. In fact we should be keeping up with it already. This is one way to do so. I highly encourage you to start noticing your negative thoughts and replacing them with more positive ones when you can to see how often you catch yourself falling victim to your own bullying.

For me it was a very enlightening experience and I have already reaped some of the benefits of replacing these toxic thoughts with more positive ones.

It’s not easy work to become more confident but it’s important work that can genuinely change your life for the better.

Weeds will grow even if you ignore them, I think it’s time we nourish the flowers instead.

This was a transcript of Day 13 of the Make Your Damn Bed Podcast — a low-key, real talk, morning motivation podcast to get you out of bed so you can start making it.

