Day 18 || Forgiveness

Make Your Damn Bed
2 min readMar 7, 2021

Forgiveness is an essential part in finding your happiness. This doesn’t mean to let everyone off the hook for hurting you or crossing boundaries. It simply means you aren’t harboring those toxic feelings about it, anymore.

You must come to terms with the fact that people who love you will show love to you in ways that don’t feel like love sometimes. Sure sometimes people hurt us on purpose, but more often people will hurt us even though they love us, because they don’t know how else to show that love. It doesn’t mean to accept it as they present it, it just means you shouldn’t take it so personally when it isn’t done like you initially would have wanted or expected. Stop expecting you from other people. If you go in believing people typically mean well and don’t set out to hurt you — you will take a lot of that burden off of yourself — that expectation that everyone else will show up for you in the way you need without you communicating is unreasonable. It doesn’t mean you don’t deserve it. It means it’s out of most people’s abilities to do so.

Forgive others and make space for them to show love in a way that they know how.

This was a transcript of Day 18 of the Make Your Damn Bed Podcast — a low-key, real talk, morning motivation podcast to get you out of bed so you can start making it.

